Monday, May 2, 2011

Wenger's reaction to the Arsenal 1-0 Manchester United match

on his side’s performance…
We had a good performance that had everything in it; discipline, fighting spirit and our usual passing game. Until we scored the goal, I feel we completely controlled the game. Then, because we have not won a lot recently, we tried to protect our advantage and were more under pressure. Overall, I believe we deserved to win the game.

on Aaron Ramsey’s goal…
I am very happy for him, when you think his incident happened 14 months ago and he now looks to be back to his best. If you look at the age of the team today, I think it’s a big encouragement for the Club and for the team. We had a very young midfield and were still very positive in our display.

on Arsenal’s recent inconsistency…
We have gone through a difficult period. When you look back at the best games played in the season, in the Champions League and the Premier League, the team still lacks a bit of maturity under pressure. The team had to deal with some big disappointments that I feel had a subconscious affect on our team.

on the Vidic penalty incident…
It was handball, yes. I think the referee didn’t see it. On that front, we were not lucky this season because we have had 17 penalties given against us.

on the debate for video technology…
I am a massive fan and have been for a long time. But I have little power [on that] decision.

on the Clichy tussle with Owen inside the area…
It could have been given as a penalty as well. It’s less obvious than the Vidic one, by far.

on whether the pressure was lifted from the players…
For me, it was immense pressure to be out of the title race, believe me, because I felt so strongly [that] we would win this championship. I have not given up any hope. We want to fight until the last second of the season. We were really unlucky this season until now, let's hope we have a bit more luck in the final three weeks. You never know. But Manchester United remain in the best position and the second best is Chelsea because they play against Manchester United next week.

on giving young players a chance…
We want, of course, to add what we need to add. I am very cautious with what I say because it can be turned both ways. I feel it is important for the Club that we keep faith in what we do. You can see that the players grow when they get the chance to play. Like Szczesny, for example, you can see already that compared to two months ago, he has already grown. It is a law in our game that you can only grow, at some stage, if you play. So people want both, they want to win every game and they want us to produce quality young players. But if Wilshere has grown this season it is because he played. But on the other hand, if you do not win, people say, ‘why do you play young players?’

on when Arsenal lost the title…
Last week. At Bolton and against Liverpool. Last week we were 1-0 up in the 97th minute against Liverpool, we were 3-1 up at Tottenham and we had three chances to go 2-1 up against Bolton. If we could have won nine points from those games plus the win today, we would have been ahead of Man United.

on the injuries to Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri…
Samir has a hamstring problem, a small one I think. Cesc has got a kick on his thigh that has disrupted some fibers. We’ll know on Tuesday if he can practice again. He had a test yesterday that he couldn’t get through. He has a chance to play on Sunday.

on Manchester United being top despite only winning five games away from home…
I believe that Manchester United, if you look at every year they win the title, they win it at Old Trafford. You compare the records of Manchester United and Arsenal away from home and you will see that we are always really comparable.

Source: on 1 May 11

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