Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wenger's reaction to the Fulham 2-2 Arsenal match

on his thoughts on the game…
I thought it was an average game. In the end, we felt fourth place was disappointing because, three weeks ago, we were in a position to win the league. We didn’t lose third place today, we lost it last week.

on having to qualify for the Champions League…
It is less reassuring than being in the top three, of course. The most important thing is that we have given ourselves a chance to do it.

on whether he was disappointed with Arsenal’s defending…
Yes. We are frustrated and disappointed but we should not go overboard. We just have to rectify things in the areas that we need to improve.

on the season as a whole…
I think I am responsible for the results and I am very disappointed. The players have had an outstanding attitude. We have accumulated disappointments that have had a big impact on the moral of the team. We have played 58 games. Fabregas has played 22 games, Van Persie 18 or 19 games and Vermaelen has played four or five games. In decisive moments, we have never had the whole team together. We have to rectify some things in our squad and we will try to do it. But it is not easy, even with money.

on Arsenal’s away support…
Our away fans have been outstanding all season and we would like to thank them. They are not happy, I am not happy, and we have to accept that. But we are not to go overboard. Maybe one year you will realise that it is not easy to finish in the top four every time. Even if people say we have to spend money, we have to be realistic. We cannot buy players for £50 million and, even if we try to strengthen our team and spend money if needed, that is fact.

on Jack Wilshere’s situation with the England Under-21s…
I don’t know any more than you about that. I [have] told you my thinking. You could see again today that he has played 49 games. To have a busy summer would be very bad for him. If they do it, they do it. I cannot stop it.

on his plans for the summer…
We will try to do the right thing. I don’t know how much we have spent in recent years. We will try to buy the right players. The amount of money is not always linked with the quality of the player. We will spend the needed money but you first have to find the right players and then turn up with the money. If we find the right players we will spend the money.

on Zoltan Gera’s red card…
It was a rash tackle. Did he deserve a red card? I will have to look at it again but it was not needed.

on Denilson’s pre-match comments…
He wants to play. I have spoken to him already. We will see if he has opportunities or not. We have to face many comments but I have enough experience to know that the Club is in a strong position and we want to be stronger next year. Next year we will have the same opponents who will invest a lot of money. We have to make sure we climb up the table because I felt this year was the best chance for the last five or six years.

Source: on 22 May 11

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