Monday, May 16, 2011

Wenger's reaction to the Arsenal 1-2 Aston Villa match

on the result...
It's very disappointing because we were caught on a very bad start. After that we became stronger as the game went on and we were a bit unlucky on top of that. So we come out of the game very disappointed. We dropped three points today which could cost us the automatic qualification for the Champions League.

on a slow start to the game...
We were punished because we went into the game too tentative. We were not dominant enough in anything we did and we were on the back foot at the start. After that we battled to get back into the game but we were a bit unlucky. I feel we had a penalty, a goal that I have not seen cancelled often away from home. Overall of course we are frustrated and I am frustrated by the performance.

on the reason for their tentativeness...
We have been hit very hard by bad results and you could see that at the start of the game, we suffered a little bit. But we have to rise above that and overall you could see we were a bit nervous defensively. Once we were in the game we looked comfortable but it was too late.

on Squillaci and Vermaelen's partnership...
They are two players with experience so normally it should work. Vermaelen grew stronger and stronger as the game went on and they have not played since September so it is a lot to ask to be dominant like he was before. I believe we gave very cheap goals away today.

on his half-time substitution...
I was in a position where we had to take a gamble, we had to score two goals. Because they closed us down we had to play out from the back and we needed somebody - a midfielder - at the back.

on the prospect of finishing fourth…
It will be a big set-back but we will adapt our preparation in pre-season to it.

on the 'lap of appreciation'…
It was our job to thank the fans and you never have to be embarrassed when you do your job. It was not a tour of glory, of course. But I think, no matter what happens, you have to respect your fans for turning up for the whole season. It is not an ego trip, it is a respect trip for the fans.

on fans leaving the stadium beforehand…
You have to accept that and you have to thank those who are still in the stand. What is important is that this Club has values and respects those values. I feel fortunate that for 15 years we have played with full stands so when people are not happy they can show it. We are in a job where you have to please people and if they are not happy, we have to accept that.

on whether he feels pressure to spend money…
The fans want to win football games. They will not check how much money we spend, they want to win football games. When we don’t, they are not happy and that is completely normal. We will try to strengthen our team, of course, but the best way to keep our fans happy is to win the games.

Source: on 15 May 11

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