Monday, January 3, 2011

Arsenal rise above predictable provocation from Birmingham's Lee Bowyer

Old habits die hard, and while Arsenal appear to have broken an unwanted one, Birmingham City and the unreconstructed miscreant Lee Bowyer are unable to shed theirs and are destined to pay the penalty in more ways than one.

Conventional wisdom has long held that the way to upset Arsène Wenger's elegant team is to make life hard for them, literally. Birmingham tried it, playing rough, but Arsenal gave alternative meaning to new year's resolution, refusing to be cowed in the face of intimidation typified by Bowyer, who is certain to be suspended for three matches for one nasty piece of work, and could be banned for even longer if the second of two offences missed by the referee is deemed serious foul play upon review.

For the time being these two teams are in a different league only metaphorically, but next season it may well be in reality. Arsenal have the title in their sights, but for Alex McLeish's Blues, with only one win in their past 10 league games, the future looks increasingly like the Championship with a capital C. Not for the first time, they tried to bridge the class gap with a bruising, mean‑spirited approach which saw Bowyer stamp on Bacary Sagna's thigh on one occasion and rake the same player's achilles on another, and Roger Johnson fortunate not to be sent off for a potential leg-breaker of a challenge on Cesc Fábregas. That one was horribly reminiscent of the corresponding fixture three years ago, when Martin Taylor's reckless assault on Eduardo da Silva nearly ended the Croatia striker's career.

There has been bad blood between the teams ever since, and while Wenger preferred to dwell on the quality of Arsenal's football and their determined attitude, he made it plain that he was again unhappy with the illegitimate aggression they had to withstand. The referee, Peter Walton, missed Bowyer's worst excesses, but indicated afterwards that he sensed his malevolence, and was relieved when he was substituted. Walton added that he had been told about the two incidents and that if the information he had been given was correct, they would both have been red card offences. In such circumstances it is conceivable, but unlikely, that the consequent punishment could be doubled. The Football Association confirmed yesterday that it would ask the referee about both.

Wenger made eight changes, or rather reverted to the team who had beaten Chelsea on 27 December in a tacit admission that his squad rotation at Wigan Athletic in midweek, when two points were dropped, had been ill considered. Back at full strength, Arsenal were convincing winners at a venue where Chelsea have lost this season and Manchester United could only draw. Two of the goals were scruffy, Robin van Persie's early free-kick deflected in off Bowyer and an inadvertent nudge from Johnson supplied the third, but in between Samir Nasri's 13th goal of the season was a high‑class effort from 18 yards, and the margin was a fair reflection of the disparity between the teams.

Without a trophy since 2005, and in seemingly endless transition, Wenger believes it may be Arsenal's turn at last. Why this year? "There is a hunger there and a determined attitude," he said. "Our away record is the best in the league and to travel successfully in England you have to be physically resilient. That's where we have improved. We are showing more personality and more authority. We panic less.

"This was a very physical game but our persistence in getting the ball down and playing our game gradually took over. We were always composed, especially at the back, and composure on the ball is very important. It is a form of bravery to get the ball down and play and we tried to do it all the time, even under pressure. That's where I was most pleased because it shows the players believe in what we are trying to do. The positive effect of the Chelsea result was there for all to see. We are ready for the fight. The belief is strong and now it is down to us to show mental stamina."

If Stoke City do them a favour by avoiding defeat at Old Trafford tomorrow, Arsenal could take over at the top of the table by beating Manchester City at the Emirates on Wednesday. "It's a big game and we are confident," Wenger said.

Birmingham, now next to bottom, are left wondering where their next win is going to come from. McLeish's main problem is obvious, not enough goals. No team in the league have scored fewer at home and their overall total is a dismal 18 from 19 matches. Their main striker, Cameron Jerome, has contributed three in 17 appearances and their leading scorer, Craig Gardner, has only four. They got away with it last season because they were so parsimonious at the back, but suddenly the defence acts like a colander.

As the home fans melted away early, their visitors taunted them with the inquiry: "Is there a fire drill?" There's certainly an emergency.

Source: Joe Lovejoy, The Guardian on 3 Jan 11

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