Friday, November 12, 2010

Wenger's reaction to the Wolverhampton Wanderers 0-2 Arsenal match

On a committed defensive display…
We were in the lead early on and the victory was so important for us that we focused tonight maybe more on defending and keeping the result. We couldn’t take our chances and if you look at the game we had many chances. I must say you have to give credit to Wolves because they are a good side. They are good defensively, they are good at winning the ball back and they always looked dangerous. They have a good mixture between long balls and build up play and are a side who will give problems to anyone in this league.

On the tackle that earned Cesc Fabregas a yellow card…
I think it was accidental. That’s what Cesc told me - that he touched him but he wanted to play the ball. He went to the dressing room and apologised to the player. I haven’t seen the tackle yet, it was very difficult to see because the linesman was in front of me. He said it was completely accidental.

On whether he was lucky not to get a red card…
To get a red card you need to do on purpose a violent reckless challenge. The intention in the tackle is very important. You cannot just take the tackles out of the game, the player has a little cut but looks not to have any damage and they are hopeful he can play on Saturday.

On a tough game…
Overall it was a committed game and a very correct one. Wolves were physically very strong tonight and kept a high tempo for 90 minutes and I must say I was impressed by them. But I was as well impressed by our spirit, our determination and our resilience. Today we have seen a side of my team that will be very important throughout the season.

On whether he considered giving Marouane Chamakh a rest before the game…
He was not sharp on Sunday against Newcastle and I played him for only an hour. He was sick the whole week before Newcastle so I thought he would be sharper tonight.

On Chamakh being a great find…
If you look back since the start of the season he has been decisive in many games.

On Lukasz Fabianski’s performance…
I think he did extremely well and made a fantastic save in the last minute of the game. He was of course disappointed with the goal we conceded against Newcastle on Sunday but overall it’s good that not only he had a good game tonight but as well that he has the mental strength to respond quickly in a positive way.

On the fitness of Cesc Fabregas…
He is not completely back to his best yet. He is getting better from game to game but he has been out for a while.

Source: on 11 Nov 10

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