Monday, September 13, 2010

Wenger - We'll continue to score with style

Arsène Wenger has vowed to continue sending out his side with twin aims - scoring goals AND playing the most stylish football in the Premier League.

Alex Song’s toe-poke in Saturday’s 4-1 win over Bolton was Arsenal's 1,000th Premier League strike under the Frenchman. During his 14-year tenure, Wenger has successfuly U-turned his team's on-pitch reputation. So when asked about the famous “1-0 to the Arsenal” style from the 1990s, it was no surprise that the manager responded: “Now it’s 1000-0 to the Arsenal!"

"The Club didn’t talk to me about changing the style, they wanted me to do a good job and that’s what I tried to do."

“I think the Arsenal fans want to win and be entertained. The target is to win and to win with style. But of course when you do not manage to win with style, you still want to win. But I think both go together."

“We went for a change a few years ago to grow a team together and try to create a spirit and attitude that gets everyone on the same wavelength."

“We have players who are offensively-gifted, talented and we have a collective game that can be played at a high pace so we can create goals and chances. That’s what we work on on the training pitch."

”Of course we face massive teams, but this season is an important one because we have to show we can win with massive competitors – Man City, Man Utd, Tottenham, Chelsea. It will be very difficult, but I believe we have our word to say.”

And what about his favourite Premier League goal of that 1000?

“How long do you want me to stay here?” replied Wenger. “I’m proud our supporters saw 1000 goals, it’s not easy. I’ve seen some great goals looking back - Henry, Bergkamp, even Adams against Everton - it’s difficult to choose."

“The important ones you remember. But you have the important ones, the spectacular ones, like Dennis Bergkamp at Newcastle or Thierry Henry against Tottenham or Liverpool. But you have as well the little ones and the goals that get you a 1-0."
Source: Richard Clarke, on 13 Sep 10

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