Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wenger's reaction to the Arsenal 2-1 Fulham match

On a hard-fought victory...
It was a good game. Overall I think Fulham played well and we played well. They put us under pressure because Gera and Kamara combined well and their midfield was efficient, they played quite a direct game to expose us with balls behind our defenders. We needed not only quality but sprit and resilience today and we got it. We scored two exceptional goals from Samir that were a combination of touch, intelligence, special talent and calmness. He needed to be patient to finish in both situations and he did very well. I’m happy because he had a game that at the start was only based on coming to the ball and now he has more variation in his game. His game is improving and of course he is more efficient.

On whether he has been Arsenal's best player this season…
It is always difficult to compare but what is important when you are a manager is that you want to get the best out of players and I always was a strong believer in him. Many people questioned me when I took him here but he is showing that he has exceptional talent and I think there is more to come from him.

On what he has improved about his game…
Like every player that is good on the ball he was too much attracted by the ball. We wanted him to do more runs off the ball, going in behind [the defence] without the ball because we have many players who can give him the ball.

On Fulham’s goal…
Having seen it again with the referee’s body position he believed Koscielny would go on because he didn’t immediately lie down. You can understand why he let the game go.

On the extent of Koscielny’s injury…
[He has] concussion. I don’t know what the medical people will say and how long he will not play.

On Johan Djourou's performance…
He is doing very well. He has been out for a year and as you have noticed I have rotated him a little bit. We do not want to lose him and a guy that has been out for a year you cannot play him three games a week. From the start of the season he has gone from strength to strength and today, in the difficult period when we had to defend in the air, he was dominant. He has not only shown dominance but also personality. That’s why I am very happy. He came here as a midfielder and we transformed him into a centre back.

On whether he has made a case for starting…
The players know that from game to game we rotate and everybody will have to start in our squad.

On the Arsenal defence...
I agree with you that at some stage we looked a bit vulnerable in the air but don’t forget we finished the game with five strikers on the pitch, so I expected to suffer from corners. Overall I believe in the second half our defenders dealt well with the high ball.

On whether Arsenal are good enough to win the Premier League...
We are good enough to go on that is for sure. Every single team struggles to be consistent and at the moment we are where we are despite losing three game. That means every game is a cup final and if you are not ready for it you will not take three points. We have the spirit and the quality but we faced tough opponents and it will be down to consistency. We are far from winning the championship yet, the only thing I can say is we have the spirit and the desire to fight for it.

Source: on 4 Dec 10

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