Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wenger's reaction to the Fulham 2-1 Arsenal match

on the key decisions...
I think it was 100 per cent a penalty on Gervinho from Senderos in the first half. The referee had a massive influence on the game like that. We have played many games recently where if it had gone our way we would not have been in trouble and would have stayed with 11 on the pitch.

You want the right decisions in a game of that importance. But I do not want to speak about that anymore. We had the chances to kill the game off before that and to win. I think it's very unlucky for us to lose the game with 10 men. When you see the game today that we finished with 10 men, it's very difficult to take. That makes a massive difference when you have played 48 hours before. It's too difficult.

on losing another defender…

I think we have done well being short. We have lost three left backs, two right backs. What can you do? You cannot buy 10 full backs to make sure you have one in case of injury.

on trying to climb the table…
There was too much at stake in the game today, we needed absolutely everything to go for us, to be right. We are guilty because we still gave two goals away, I felt, in a stupid way and we didn't take our chances. Nothing went for us from the referee today, nothing at all. We cannot change that and we have to live with it unfortunately.

on the lack of penalty decisions in their favour…
We [should have] had a clear penalty in the last game against QPR with a clear handball, a penalty at Man City and we had a penalty at Villa Park. You should not ask me, I don't know.

Source: on 2 Jan 12

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