Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Robin van Persie unlikely to show blind loyalty to trophyless Arsenal

The Dutch striker may start to wonder if he would be better off at Barcelona if the Gunners cannot satisfy his ambition

It is an admission that cuts to the core of Robin van Persie's purist footballing principals but one that also provokes trepidation among the Arsenal support, which has lived on its nerves throughout the club's recent soap opera storylines. When the striker who scores when he wants settles down to watch what he wants, there is only one club that he follows. "I have to admit that Barcelona is the only team that I watch on the telly, apart from Arsenal," Van Persie says, with characteristic all-or-nothing candour.

There is encouragement to be located for the Arsenal faithful in the Dutchman's choice of viewing. He is not stimulated by Manchester City or Paris St-Germain or Anzhi Makhachkala, the nouveaux riches, who are prepared to offer him untold riches in the summer in exchange for his signature. Nor, for that matter, do Real Madrid quicken his pulse.

He once said that Real were not "something for me". "They are a great club," he added, "but it really goes fast with managers and players. You'll get a neck problem. You've won nothing? Go away … here, you have a couple of millions, on to the next signing. The way that Arsenal and Barcelona do it speaks more to me."

Van Persie has often given the impression that, rather like the Arsenal manager, Arsène Wenger, he has little love for the clubs that lever themselves to the forefront via their spending power. Van Persie is a traditionalist, and a romantic one at that. In his interview with NUsport magazine, which was published last month, he spoke, for example, of his admiration for Vic and Paul Akers, the Arsenal father-and-son kit management team, who epitomise so many of the club's values.

"What's so special about Arsenal is the family atmosphere and the warmth," Van Persie said. "When you come in here, you're always welcomed like a brother. Mikel Arteta [the summer signing from Everton] played against us for years but he walks into the dressing-room and he's one of us.

"The kit men, Vic and Paul Akers, have worked at the club for years. They love the club and they do everything for us; outfits, shoes, balls but, also, when I want to go to Disney on Ice, they arrange it. They represent the true Arsenal feeling and we've got some more like these men."

Van Persie has bought deeply into the philosophies of the club, who took him from Feyenoord as a raw and slightly reckless youngster in 2004 and have helped to mould him into one of the continent's most complete players. He would like nothing more than to lead Arsenal to trophies and he continues to believe that attractive, attacking football is the best means to that end. Barcelona, after all, have proved as much.

There is, however, a stark reality that has begun to undercut Van Persie's ideals – a growing acceptance that winning in any fashion is preferable to not winning at all. He has pondered whether Barcelona and their beautiful triumphs might be the exception to his rule. Van Persie is not so blinded by the aesthetic as to lose sight of the sparkle of silverware and, at 28, and having won a single trophy with Arsenal – the 2005 FA Cup – he is yearning for glory as never before.

His contractual stand-off has cast long shadows over Arsenal's campaign. The captain has said that he does not wish to discuss fresh terms until the summer, when he will have not only 12 months to run on his existing deal but a clearer impression of where the club is going. If it is into the Europa League, Arsenal would appear hard pushed to retain their star, particularly if, as can be expected, he shines for Holland at Euro 2012.

Van Persie's angst, and that of everybody connected to the club, was deepened on Sunday night after the defeat at Swansea City, the team's seventh of the Premier League season, which has left them four points off the Champions League pace. There were several familiar sights – a goal for Van Persie (his 22nd of the season); defensive vulnerabilities; Wenger raging at the referee and Wojciech Szczesny manfully fronting up to the press afterwards. But it was the sinking feeling that held sway on the journey back to London.

Van Persie will be confronted, in the summer, by suitors and awkward questions. Could he yet be tempted by City and the notion that they might represent a better bet for honours? One thing is clear. He will not need his good friends Cesc Fábregas and Ibrahim Afellay to sell him the merits of Barcelona. His satellite TV dish relays them to him every week. If they were to come calling, Van Persie could not say no.

Source: David Hytner, The Guardian on 16 Jan 12

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