Saturday, April 30, 2011

'It has been a heavy burden on Fabregas'

Arsène Wenger believes that the burden of responsibility has weighed too heavily on the shoulders of Cesc Fabregas this season.

The Spanish midfielder, 24 next week, has suffered as much as anyone during the gradual decline of Arsenal’s campaign in the past two months. Fabregas has carried the armband and much of the expectation as one of the team’s key players. Injury has hampered his contribution but his frustration has been clear.

“It has been too much for him at his age,” said Wenger. “He is the captain of the team, with van Persie vice-captain, and they put a lot of pressure on themselves."

“Cesc is a winner. He is desperate to win the games and, of course, when it does not work he is frustrated."

However Wenger swept aside suggestions that Fabregas should be relieved of the captaincy. To the contrary, he ventured that this could make the World Cup winner a better leader.

“It is too much [for him] because it has not gone as well,” said the manager. “Once it goes well, he will grow with it. Every difficulty in life will make you stronger, especially when you have a strong character. And he is a strong character."

“I believe it will make him stronger but maybe this season it has been a bit of a heavy burden.”

Source: Richard Clarke, on 29 Apr 11

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