Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wenger's reaction to the Manchester United 1-0 Arsenal match

On whether Arsenal deserved more from the game…
What I feel doesn’t matter. We lost the game and I think to be as objective as I can. We were up on the intensity level and we were up on the organisational level. Overall, I think that Manchester United defended very well. The technical quality of the game was average on both sides because the pitch was very poor in my opinion and the game suffered a lot from it.

Manchester United played a very simple game but they were efficient at it because they scored a goal and we didn’t create enough chances. You have to give them credit because they defended very well and their defence didn’t make any mistakes. Our passing was not quick or sharp enough to get them out of position.

On the state of the Old Trafford pitch…
If I ask you whether you want a good pitch or a bad pitch what do you say? They made technical mistakes as well because of the pitch. It was bouncy and slippery as well.

On a physical game…
Tonight was a game that was very intense with two teams who played at the top level tactically. Manchester United were highly focused to defend well and we were not sharp enough to get them out of position. We were a bit nervous at the start especially and as well because technically we couldn’t get them out of position. You have to give them credit for good defending.

On United defending well…
They were highly focused tonight not to make a defensive mistake. They knew we keep the ball well and the team was built and focused to defend and catch us on the break. In fairness we were not dangerous enough to dominate the game and create chances. In the second half it was all us trying to get them out of position and create chances and them taking advantage of counter attacks.

On Arsenal’s title chances…
It is a big frustration and a big disappointment but what is important is that we bounce back in our next game. Overall on what I have seen tonight there is no reason not to believe and we know we can play better offensively.

Source: Arsenal.com on 13 Dec 10

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