Friday, December 31, 2010

Wenger - You have to encourage leadership

Arsène Wenger will issue a timely reminder to his players before they face Birmingham on Saturday: it’s good to talk.

Fingers have been pointing at Arsenal’s defence since they shipped a late equaliser against ten-man Wigan on Wednesday night when Sebastien Squillaci headed past his own keeper.

Critics claim that Wenger’s team lack leadership and, although the manager disagrees with that assessment, he admits that communication could be better at the back.

I have been asked how can we improve after conceding the goal the way we did in the final part of the [Wigan] game and I must say we have the individual quality,” said Wenger.

But we have to take more initiative on the communication side. Sometimes I felt people are not informed enough, when they are alone they could control the ball instead of letting it out. That’s just details."

A team is always on the search to improve and communicating is one of the natural ways to achieve that. You encourage [the players to communicate]. You have some who talk more than others and people are not so much talkative so you have to encourage them to do it."

Of course [we have the players to do that]. It’s down to our coaching staff to encourage that.”

Source: Chris Harris, on 31 Dec 10

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