Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wenger's reaction to the Wigan Athletic 2-2 Arsenal match

On a disappointing result…
We were 2-1 up and playing against ten men and we dropped two points. Overall, it was a difficult game with high levels of commitment from Wigan. They caught us a bit at the start and after that we came back into it a little bit. In the second half we didn’t do enough and we conceded two goals from two set pieces.

On a stubborn Wigan side…
Credit to them, they didn’t give up. I thought we tried very hard. The pitch became more and more difficult for us to put passes together. They defended deeper in the second half and it was more difficult for us to find space. Wigan fought very hard today. I felt in the first half we had a great dominance and came back well but in the second half we didn’t produce enough or offer enough.

On making eight changes for the game…
We had a disadvantage that Wigan played three days ago and only 48 hours ago we played a big game in the evening. I had to change it because we play on Saturday and again on Wednesday so we can't always play with the same team. But I don’t think that was a problem at all.

On an open Premier League title race...
Last night Manchester United drew 1-1 with Birmingham, we drew 2-2 today so we will know at the end of the season. It was a difficult game, you always felt that any mistake at the back and we could pay for it. As long as we didn't score the third goal in this kind of game it can end 2-2.

On conceding from a corner…
They got a corner and then it doesn’t matter if you have 9, 10 or 14 [players], you can still score. The number of men on the pitch doesn’t really count. You have to defend a corner.

On taking off Jack Wilshere...
He was becoming a bit controversial and was looking to force decisions. He was a bit tired too. He played the whole game against Chelsea and I did not want to expose him.

On Arsenal's late penalty shout...
Personally, I did not see it. Nasri is adamant that is was 100 per cent a penalty.

Source: on 29 Dec 10

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