Friday, October 29, 2010

Wenger's reaction to the Newcastle United 0-4 Arsenal match

On a pleasing win…
I am pleased with the performance. Saying that, the first goal was certainly the turning point in the game because we had a lot of domination but didn’t take our chances early on in the game. Then Newcastle defended with numbers behind the ball and it became difficult to score. We were lucky with the first goal just before half time - that was certainly a blow for Newcastle. It put us in a position where we could break much more because Newcastle had to come out and that’s basically what happened in the second half.

On whether the second goal should have been allowed…
I have to see if Bendtner blocked the central defender on purpose or not, I have to see that again. For me Walcott was well in front of the central defender anyway so I don’t think that has influenced the goal.

On Theo Walcott’s performance…
He was sharp. He was very sharp at the start of the season but then he got injured with England against Switzerland and it was his first game back today. You see that he has improved his composure in front of goal, he has tremendous pace and his first touch is much better. The timing of his runs have always been good but his first touch when running at full pace is better. That makes a big difference.

On whether bringing on Cesc Fabregas shows how seriously he is taking the Carling Cup…
I am taking the competition seriously. I have a big squad at the moment and Cesc needs games as well. He played at Manchester City and tonight a little bit so that’s what he needs at the moment.

Whether Theo Walcott is playing the best football of his career…
I think Theo Walcott is 21-years-old. That’s the age when other players start to play. He is a very young boy and he is a very intelligent player and that’s why I believe he will continue to develop. He has tremendous pace and power and in front of goal he is very good. The timing of his runs are good and for a striker that is the most important thing.

On whether his injury problems are behind him…
At his pace when you get stopped you are always vulnerable and I think tonight he got one or two tackles that he got away with because he didn’t have full weight on his standing leg. He is not vulnerable because of his injuries it was just a tackle [that injured him]. When you play against a player who is so quick sometimes you can mis-time tackles. It’s not necessarily always that you want to hit him but he is so quick. You think you have the ball but he has gone away.

On Kieran Gibbs’ injury…
We don’t know we have to wait until tomorrow morning to assess it much better. We do not know now if it is a knock of if it is a twist. If it is only a knock it is only a matter of days but if it is a knee ligament then that looks to be a bit longer. But we don’t know yet.
Source: on 27 Oct 10

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