Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wenger's reaction to the Arsenal 5-1 Shakhtar Donetsk match

on an easy win...
I believe we made it easy because we had a good team performance. The goals came naturally through the game through great technical quality and overall I believe as well that our technical quality slowly got them tired and, especially in the second half, the goals came with one-twos or possession. I felt they had given a lot in the first half to chase and be focused to defend well, and we took advantage of that in the second half.

on the Wilshere-Fabregas partnership...
Yes, I am convinced it works well together. Cesc just came back tonight but Jack has a good maturity level, you never think he's 18 years of age when he plays. They combine very well. The midfield worked very well tonight.

on whether it was too easy...
When you win 1-0 it's too difficult, when you win 5-1 people think it's too easy. It's difficult to assess always why did you win 5-1 but I think tonight we had an intelligent team attitude and a very good technical level. What happens in the Champions League is that teams who play in the Champions League are used to dominating their [domestic] championship and they play. You do not only play against teams who defend. When you are then superior you always have a chance to score goals.

on preparing for Man City on Sunday...
Manchester City is a different type of game and what was important for us tonight was to win and then prepare. We won our last two games now and it is important we go to Manchester City with a good level of confidence and with some certainties in the way we want to behave. The result is important, the number of goals for me is not important.

on Djourou and Squillaci...
Johan is doing very well at the moment and Squillaci is a leader. He is a quiet one but he speaks a lot when you observe the game, he speaks to the midfielders, to Johan a lot, to the full backs. He has a quiet, reassuring presence at the back.

on Wilshere's mentality...
He didn't hide from challenges tonight. Sometimes when you get such a storm you want to go the other way and what was important tonight was that he just played football. He just went for the game like a real player. He has a good technical level but also does not hide from the challenges. That is a tremendous strength that you do not want to lose at that level.

on whether he is ready to start for England...
Without wanting to make headlines, it is difficult to say. If you ask me the reverse question - is he not ready to play for England - then it would be difficult to say no.

on his mistimed challenge against Shakhtar...
You want the player to go for the ball. As long as he goes for the ball with intention... if he is a bit late then that can happen. He was a fraction late today but he went completely for the ball.

on Wilshere's best position...
He is not completely holding, he is in between. He is a box to box player more than a holding midfielder. And in fairness he can play as well behind the striker, he can penetrate, he has a good burst. Give him time, let him play and I know that is not easy for you, and it's not your greatest strength.

on Eduardo's reception...
If you wanted someone to score a goal for Shakhtar Donetsk it was Eduardo because everybody has many good feelings for him. Everybody knows what a player he was when he arrived and what he went through, and his attitude has always been great. We are all happy for him.

on Wayne Rooney...
It is a story I am happy to read in the newspapers but I would like to keep out of it. That means we are not buying anybody, we have enough strikers. Tonight we had Bendtner, Walcott on the bench, Arshavin on the bench and Van Persie injured. What do we do with all the players? We are not interested in buying. We are not on the market. It is the 18th of October, the transfer market opens on the 1st of January.

Source: on 19 Oct 10

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