Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wenger's reaction to the Arsenal 2-3 WBA match

on a shock defeat...
We made it more difficult because we were not at our usual level. Not defensively, not offensively. Overall everything was difficult for us today - passing the ball, winning the ball back, winning the one against ones - and we got what we deserved which was zero points. We didn't deserve more. The positive is that we did fight until the last minute but it was just not good enough at that level to get three points.

on Manuel Almunia...
You can have question marks about many players today if you look at the performance, especially the defensive one. Many players made massive mistakes defensively.

on leaving Jack Wilshere on the bench...
He has played many games. I believe it was not down to one player in or out, it was down to a poor team performance.

on criticism of Almunia...
I do not want to come out on any individual performances because we were collectively poor. You could single out a few players who have made mistakes.

on a mystifying performance...
Overall it was a poor team performance and we have to analyse why and make sure we respond well because we have had good performances since the start of the season. It is the first real bad performance and it is unexplainable how bad the whole thing looked for the whole game.

on failing to close the gap on Chelsea...
It would have been even more disappointing if Chelsea had won. We don't have to look at the results of the other teams, we have to turn up with our own performance and we didn't do that. If we play like that we cannot look at performances of the other teams.

on next week's trip to Chelsea...
Of course it an important game when you play at Chelsea. I believe that today's game was an exception - until today we had very, very good games. I didn't recognise my team today and we have to sit down together to analyse what happened. Something is unexplanable in such a poor performance. It is always difficult to [sense it before the game] but something was not right and it is unusual to see a team as flat as we were today.

Source: on 25 Sep 10

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