Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wenger's reaction to the AC Milan 4-0 Arsenal match

on the result...
It was of those nights you never forget. It is our worst night in Europe, we were punished and deservedly so. We were very poor offensively and defensively. We were beaten everywhere. There was not one moment in the 90 minutes we were really in the game. What made it worse is that we had to chase the game. It was always the same problem, balls over the top and we were well beaten.

It is difficult to analyse. I think it is better not to talk too much. We need to analyse with a cooler header and regroup for the next game.

on the focus now...
We will focus on our next games, the season is not finished. We have a big game on Saturday, which is a good opportunity to show we have character and mental strength and that we can respond after such a shocking defeat.

on the reasons for the defeat...
You could blame and blame. We have to stick together and win the next game. The players were very ambitious in this Champions League. They are the first to be very sad. We felt powerless today to get really into the game.

I cannot say I got everything perfect when we lost 4-0 but I don't believe we made big tactical mistakes. We did not have any other choices. I felt we were weak in some departments. I felt we could have some problems in some departments but I did not think we would not score.

on the chances of a knock-on effect...
There is a danger. A big disappointment like that has consequences on your belief. We have a lot of work to regroup and not a lot of time to prepare for Saturday's game. We need to show something completely different on Saturday.

on Arsenal's chances of progression now...
Let's be realistic, we don't play in dream world. Maybe two per cent or five per cent statistically. We have to show a completely different performance and you never know. But, you have to say, realistically, we are out of the competition.

on Koscielny...
It's a knee problem. We'll see [what happens].

Source: on 15 Feb 12

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