Friday, November 25, 2011

Wenger's reaction to the Arsenal 2-1 Borussia Dortmund match

on another Robin van Persie brace…
He is in a period where of course he doesn't have to look for goals - they just come naturally for him. He is always in the right place at the right moment and he got two goals again tonight from positions that look easy but they are not. He just understands the game so well.

on the match…
Overall it was a good game, Dortmund are a good team. They started stronger than we did but we needed to be patient, intelligent and I think in the second half we increased the tempo of our passing and controlled the game. Slowly you could feel that we could make the difference.

on conceding late…
This time it didn't make a difference. They scored because we lost our focus and concentration. Overall we controlled it well, our defence played well and they had very few chances. We knew the game was over and just became a bit too easy.

on qualifying…
The groups are difficult for the Premier League teams. The level in Germany has gone up a lot. We were in a difficult group and I am very happy and pleased if you see where we came from. We drew Udinese in the qualifier and you could not bet that we could go like we did. Overall I am very happy because we came out from a very difficult period because we were focused, worked hard and were united together.

on being the first English team to qualify…
Manchester United could have qualified last night and of course everybody expected Man City to qualify but we are the first team. It's difficult at this level against anybody - you never win an easy game in the Champions League. I have played 150 games as a manager in the Champions League and every single game gives you a different problem.

on Alex Song's performance…
I was complaining for a long time that we did not score enough goals from set-pieces. So I am very pleased that we did tonight. But I still think we have some room for improvement. But I agree with you completely that Song was exceptional for a defensive midfielder with the first goal. I am pleased for him because we had quite a difficult start in midfield in the first half and we took over in the second half.

on the threat of injury to Van Persie…
At the moment I believe that Robin is an exceptional player. He takes advantage of our offensive style from the wings. We create a lot of chances but I don't deny that at the moment he is the one who scores all the goals. We hope we can keep him fit and with us for a long time.

on what he saw in him for the captaincy…
What I saw in him is that he speaks his mind, he is completely focused on football and thinks day and night about the game. He is completely dedicated. It is not always obvious to put a striker as captain because he is in front of everybody. He was vice captain last year and was then captain while Fabregas was out.

on Gervinho's form…
He is vital for us because Robin likes to go to the ball and Gervinho likes to go into the space so they always push defenders back. That gives us space in midfield to create for Robin. He was a bit less sharp tonight but overall I am very happy.

on Mertesacker's performance…
I thought he had a great game tonight. I tried to analyse his performance against Norwich and I felt he was more tired from the Germany game against Holland. He didn't make bad decisions but his reaction time was not right. It was more down to fatigue.

Source: on 23 Nov 11

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