Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wenger's reaction to the Arsenal 2-1 Huddersfield Town match

On a tough Cup tie...
It was tough, tough, tough, because it had all the ingredients of a typical cup game. We played a little bit below par and Huddersfield is a good team, they have shown that today. They were efficient, they are always dangerous on set-pieces and crosses, they scored on a set-piece. It had the ingredients of a cup game as well because we were down to ten men so it became very difficult. In the end we had the quality just to make the difference and in the final 25 minutes I felt we had room to score goals. But we play so many games at the moment that sometimes we are not as sharp as we would want to be. That is what happened today.

On Squillaci's red card...
I found it harsh but you can give it or not give it. It was a foul, it didn't look to me like an obvious goalscoring opportunity. Is he the last man? I am not sure as well. But I feared the red card and unfortunately he gave what I feared.

On the fatigue factor...
We looked a little bit tired today but hopefully before Tuesday we can recover and the good thing is that when you win you recover quicker. I had as well some players who did not play at all today who will be fresh but of course we have only 48 hours.

On the punishment for McCombe's foul in the box...
We had a player sent off so we thought the same punishment should occur. In the box I am a little bit more lenient than outside the box, personally. I think Fabregas thought it was a red card. Ideally it is for the referee to make the decision, I think he made the right one.

On never losing to lower league opposition in the FA Cup...
Never. It shows you how seriously we take the competition. Despite that, my commitment to the FA Cup is always questioned. I feel that in my whole career we did well against lower divisions but today at 1-1 I must say that record was really under threat because on set-pieces Huddersfield looked always like they could score. They had a few chances on crosses.

Source: Arsenal.com on 30 Jan 11

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