Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wenger's reaction to the Arsenal 3-0 WBA match

on the victory...
Overall it was a controlled performance where we had complete domination of the game. It was a good pace in the first half - in the second it was a little bit off - but we were never really in trouble. We are getting stronger and overall it is a positive afternoon. We scored five goals last week, three goals today and didn't concede.

on a positive goal difference…

Yes. We put ourselves with a good handicap with the 8-2 [defeat] at Manchester United! It's good but I was not used to seeing that before. It was a shock every time I saw minus in front of our goal difference. We know that can make a difference at the end of the season. Not only is it the first time we have had a positive goal difference but if you look at the teams above us there is not much difference - they are plus two or four maybe. That is catchable.

on the most satisfying aspect of the victory…

The spirit of the squad was right from the first to the last minute. We worked well together. I was always positive with the team because of course we were in a very bad position - but you felt the desire to do well. Now that we are doing better it is still there.

The team wants to improve, to work hard and get better and better. That is the most satisfying thing today. In the dressing room at half time you feel that they don't switch off at 2-0. That was not always the case.

on Koscielny and Vermaelen's partnership…
I expected [Peter] Odemwingie to play so I opted for two centre-backs who are quick. In the end he didn't play but they worked very well together.

on Van Persie…
At the moment it is difficult to stop him. He was not only a goalscorer but a provider today, that's what I like with the strikers. The only thing I know is that he is world class. When I was a kid, in Germany they had three rankings: national class, international class and world class. World class we always knew four or five players but I would put him into that calibre.

on being the best striker in the world…
There is some quality there. But of course [Lionel] Messi will win again. He is the best player in the world and deservedly so because he won everything. Let's not put too much pressure on Robin and let him enjoy a full season. I think we can make a better assessment at the end of the season.

on Vermaelen's finishing…
He should have got a second goal with the header! I like centre-backs who score goals, but I also like in my team that everybody is scoring goals.

on Jenkinson's performance…
Today he had a very interesting game with the quality of his defending and the quality of his crossing. The pace of his improvement is very interesting. His energy levels are absolutely amazing.

on turning a corner…
I think we have made some improvement, that is for sure. But there is still room for improvement. I always said let's come back in December after the real tests. Of course the first big test was Chelsea, and after we have won another game like today. Then it'll be down to the consistency we can show. Of course we are not at the level we were one month ago but we still have some work to do.

Source: on 5 Nov 11

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