Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wenger's reaction to the Benfica 2-1 Arsenal match

on losing against Benfica…
Benfica played well for the full 90 minutes and the second half was a bit one-way traffic. We played well for 45 minutes and, after that, we dropped. We missed many players and you could see that in the second half. We got the intensity we wanted, it was a competitive game and we were challenged by a good team who had a lot of experienced players.

on Van Persie’s injury…
It is an ankle problem, I don’t know how bad it is. Gibbs has a muscular [thigh] problem and Vermaelen has a slight back problem.

on Wilshere’s inclusion in the England squad…
They can include him as much as they want, he will not play [because of injury].

on the quality of Benfica…
I think they were good for 90 minutes. They were mobile, aggressive and technically good. They maintained their level for 90 minutes and we maintained our level for 45 minutes.

on the Cesc Fabregas situation…
The situation is not sorted out with Cesc but, as I said yesterday in the press conference, there is nothing to add.

Source: on 6 Aug 11

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