Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wenger's reaction to the FC Cologne 1-2 Arsenal match

on the minute’s silence before the game…
I think it is the minimum you can do. It was a terrible shock when you see what happened there, in a country that is so peaceful. We would like to support all those people who suffer, of course. We know that Norwegians follow English football.

on his thoughts after a good work-out…
We played at a good pace in the first half and looked dangerous. Gervinho had a good start and that is always important for his confidence. Overall, I liked today. We took many risks and were exposed to counter-attacks but, overall, I am happy.

on Gervinho’s brace on his Arsenal debut…
He has shown his qualities. He has quick movement behind [the defence], the timing of his movement is great and he is easy to find. We have seen what he can bring to the team and he contributes to the high pace we have in the team.

on how pre-season preparations are going…
The team is not completely ready but it was the end of our first phase of preparations and it was important to win the game.

on Conor Henderson’s injury…
The only sad thing today is the injury to Conor Henderson, it looks quite bad but let us hope that we have good news tomorrow morning. He twisted his knee, I don’t know how big the damage is but the first signs don’t look too encouraging.

on any other knocks…
Samir got a kick to his ankle, Gervinho got a kick on his knee but both have minor damage.

on plans for the week ahead…
Training, training, training! Morning and afternoon. It is a block of work that will be very intense for us. Tomorrow will be an easier day but Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be higher levels of work.

Source: on 23 Jul 11

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