Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wenger - We are committed to youth policy

Arsène Wenger may buy in the summer but he will NOT abandon his policy of developing young talent at Arsenal.

The Frenchman is rightly proud that a side with an average age of 23 has pushed hard in all four competitions this season. However, like many supporters, he is disappointed that they have failed to landed a trophy in three of those four and a succession of draws leave them odds-against to lift the Premier League title.

On Friday, Wenger revealed that he can spend big money this summer if required but cautioned against adding too many new additions to a side that have come so close. And he will acquire players in a manner than does not block the emerging talent at the Club.

“We will continue to have an absolute commitment to youth,” he said. “We will add to that what is needed. I believe you cannot be responsible, be a big club and have no desire to develop young players.

“I feel there is always a need to improve the team but if you look at our season you cannot come to the conclusion we need a massive change,” he went on.

“That would be completely stupid because - without speaking about being 4-0 up at Newcastle or the Sunderland draw - if we just beat Liverpool and Tottenham we are two points behind Man United and we still have to play them at home.

“You cannot come to a conclusion this team needs a massive change. We lost against Barcelona – just, with ten men.

“We are up there yet because we have not won trophies people destroy us completely.

“But look at the reality,” he told journalists. “If you are the second-best selling newspaper in the country you do not shut your office.

“We live in a world where you are the second best by a little and everybody says you are rubbish. It is not true. That is the modern world but it is not the reality.”

Source: Richard Clarke, on 22 Apr 11

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