Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wenger's reaction to the Arsenal 2-0 Wolverhampton Wanderers match

On the absence of a Newcastle 'hangover'...
There was none. In fact it confirmed the quality of our performance at Newcastle, what was not easy to read in the media, because we had an outstanding game as long as it was 11 against 11. It was confirmed today with the number of chances we created, the quality of our play. We were defensively solid and that was important after the four goals we conceded. We create many chances, the only regret is that maybe we didn't score enough goals. Part of that is down to their goalkeeper - all the goalkeepers look very inspired here at the Emirates. The keeper had an outstanding game.

On Robin van Persie's brace...
He scored two different goals, one with his right foot - that is not usually what he likes to do - and one on the counter-attack where we know we can be very dangerous.

On whether Nasri has a chance of facing Barcelona...
I wouldn't say 'no chance'. There is a chance.

On staying focused against Wolves...
We had to stay focused. For us it is important because [on Wednesday] we play certainly at the moment the best team in the world. It is important to go into the game with psychological confidence and as well in a strong position in the league. We are in a Premier League race, we believe we can do it, we have the hunger, and we can focus on every single competition and that is important. For me it was important we showed the focus today and did not have Barcelona in their mind.

On Jack Wilshere's performance...
I think he had a very good game. He defends well, attacks well, creates chances, had assists. At the moment I believe he will soon score, he looks very close. He has a hesitation sometimes to finish himself and chooses at the moment to give the ball, but I think when he will be a bit more confident he will score goals. He has not scored yet but Cesc was for a while like that.

On comparisons with Claude Makelele...
It's very difficult for me to speak about that but Jack is a talented player who can defend and attack.

On whether Wilshere can prove himself against Barcelona...
You wouldn't want to put too much responsibility on Wilshere in a game like that. When you play against an opponent of that quality you need everybody, all 11 to be absolutely at their top end. For us it is important that we play with belief and with full cylinders. What we have learned from last season is that in the first half we gave them too much respect and we were lucky to get away with it.

On whether it is a 'bonus' to beat Barcelona...
We are not favourite in this game but I think we can do it.

On Van Persie's knee injury...
Yes [he is OK]. He looks alright, I think he will be alright for Wednesday. I have decided not to talk about the challenge [by Zubar].

Source: on 12 Feb 11

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