Monday, May 14, 2012

Wenger's reaction to the WBA 2-3 Arsenal match

on sealing third place…
I think if you look at the season as a whole, we lost only two of the last 16 games and created a fantastic run. In the end we finished with 70 points, which is respectable, and we qualify for the Champions League for the 15th consecutive year. Of course we are very proud of that, especially this season having started where we started. We had problems getting over the line and you could see that again today.

on another comeback…
When we were 1-0 up we were nervous. When we were 2-1 down we got back to our game again and in the end we just hung on. We defended crosses with resilience but as long as we did not manage a fourth goal [I was nervous]. I am still thinking of suing the referee for the five minutes of added time because my heart suffered immensely!

on the Tottenham game…
Yes [I was aware of what was going on]. They were 2-0 up and basically I did not want to finish fourth. If Chelsea win the Champions League then you are not in it and you are also not [definitely] in it because you play a qualifier.

on thoughts of a third-placed finish in September…
In September certainly not. We were 17th in the league then and in the first seven games we had lost four. When you have played seven games and lost four you think there are 31 games to go and it is very difficult to imagine that you will finish third. But we had an exceptional run after our exit in the Champions League.

on the defence...
Szczesny has played injured in the last five weeks with a shoulder problem. He gets injected on the day of a game and plays, you cannot maintain your level like that forever. We just decided to do it because there was not long to go. If it was in the middle of the season we would have rested him.

on Gibbs' late saving challenge…
I feel he came on very well. He suffered on that flank in the second half but when he came on he won headers and won tackles to get us out of difficult situations. He deserves huge credit for that tackle.

on overhauling Tottenham...
I don't know [if it is one of my best seasons], I leave that to you. I am very proud of this season because we were not only tested on the football front - which as a Club we are used to - but on our mental solidity, unity and solidarity within. We were deeply tested, we did not show any weakness, kept united and in the end came back. It is a good lesson for everybody. At some stages everybody was wondering what we were doing.

on qualifying for Champions League…
I would not say it is a failure. We have qualifying for the 15th season in a row now. There are only three clubs that have done that so it is not as easy as it looks.

on keeping hold of Van Persie…
It is easier to attract players and to keep them.

on signing Podolski…
I was asked many times the question whether or not we relied too much on the goalscoring of Van Persie. He has scored 30 goals and we have tried to add somebody else who can score as well. Yes [we plan to speak with him before the Euros].

on Van Persie's post-match celebrations…
You can make of that what you want. If a player does not come out and celebrate you say he is a already gone and if he goes and celebrates with the fans that means he is saying goodbye. I believe it is positive.

on a fitting send-off for Pat Rice…
First of all we are from the same generation you would call the 'Old Guard'. I am very happy to give him that present today. I would have been sad for him to leave the Club today and not be in the Champions League. It is very emotional for him and for me as well because I arrived here and he was always my assistant. Pat has many qualities of the 'Old Guard'; that means he is a fighter, he doesn't talk too much - but when he talks, he talks! He is mentally strong.

on the dramatic title race…
It is unbelievable. Maybe QPR knew they were safe, I don't know. Maybe they relaxed a little bit and thought they were over the line. But it is Manchester City and they can score goals. That can happen.

Source: on 13 May 12

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