Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wenger's reaction to the Stoke City 1-1 Arsenal match

on the performance...
I believe that it was a game where we have shown great character, great battling qualities. It was a game of two different approaches - one very direct in the air and one who tries to play on the ground. Both teams are good at what they do and that's why I think it was still an interesting game. We had good chances, especially in the first half. In the second half I felt our fluency dropped a bit in midfield - we still had chances though, especially a penalty that was not given. Overall we deserved at least a point and I can only give credit to my players for their battling qualities and the way they responded to what Stoke offered us - full commitment, well-organised, direct. We did not always cope with it but today I felt we did.

on the penalty claim…
It will go on the tape of all the penalties we have not got this season.

on Stoke spending time on set-pieces…
You are used to it. I was frustrated at times but that happens in every game because I am completely in the game. I was sometimes frustrated but not surprised.

on jeers for Aaron Ramsey…
I don't think you can be especially proud to boo Aaron Ramsey because I don't see what he has done wrong in his behaviour. That's an old story where the fans of Stoke stand behind their player. But it shouldn't go as far as booing Aaron Ramsey.

on Newcastle's defeat...
The good result we got was that Newcastle dropped points today but for us it is important to win our next two games. Anything less will not do it [guarantee third place].

on sharpness in the final third...
In the first half we had the chances but we lacked something. It is more about belief because recently we didn't score so many goals - we didn't score against Chelsea last week. Maybe it is linked with belief.

on Chamakh's future…
He did well. Nothing is definite at the moment. At the end of the season I think you will have big surprises because there will not be a lot of movement in football.

on his relationship with the Stoke fans…
They have a relationship with me but I don't have one with them! They do [enjoy my visits] but I personally have enough experience to cope with that [criticism]. It doesn't bother me too much. I don't listen too much to what people chant and I just think one day people in football will have to tackle that as well. It is easy to sit in the stand and insult people - it is the easiest sport in the world.

on insulting chants...
I focus on what I love in my job and the way my players behave on the pitch. I am not responsible for the way people behave in the stands. If you want to stop that it is easy to stop but I cannot influence it. I have had so much [criticism] in England, I have been here for 15 years, and basically I don't hear it because I am focused on the game.

on how it could be stopped…
You can isolate every single face. The only thing I think sometimes when I leave the pitch at the end of the game and people insult you or are angry or hateful, I'd just like a little picture and send it home to you. Show that to your son or your daughter, and then come back next week and see if you would do it again, if they are proud of you. That's all that you can do.
Source: on 28 Apr 12

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