Sunday, March 4, 2012

Wenger's reaction to the Liverpool 1-2 Arsenal match

on what the victory means…
It was vital for us to win the game. Liverpool had a very good first half and we were not in the game - what was flattering for us was to be 1-1 at half time. The second half was much more level. We had some good chances as well, they had maybe one from Martin Kelly. But they had no clear-cut chances in the second half. They had to win the game, and we know that we have Van Persie who can deliver something special. Overall it was not one of our best games, but we refused to give in and we played as well as we could. Our goalkeeper and centre forward made the difference.

on playing better in the second half…
I don't know why. It is down to the quality of Liverpool [in the first half] and everybody was away the whole week [on international duty]. Song came back on Friday morning, Gervinho and Benayoun as well. Liverpool played with a rhythm and pace above us in the first half and our fluency was not there at all, we gave them too much room. But as long as you are not killed off in the Premier League, you always have a chance as every team has quality strikers to score goals.

on Wojciech Szczesny's performance…
It is good that he had a performance like that, because he had a little bit of a difficult period in January. He has shown his potential and I like that he was brave as well. He had a lot of kicking to do and a lot of coming out to do, and he didn't make a mistake. At 21 years old he is a great talent, he is learning his job but because he is a great talent, he learns quickly.

on Robin van Persie's value…
I must say we will do anything to keep him. I cannot say much more because I have said that many times. I am very proud that he has grown after having seen him arriving here timid, and today being the player and leader he has become. He is playing under big pressure in every game because he knows he has to score. He has shown exceptional development, not only as a player but as a human being. He is up there with the best players in the world.

on Mikel Arteta's injury…
As I sit here now, he is in hospital at the moment and we have no news.

on Abou Diaby…
The bad news of the day is that Diaby is injured and did his hamstring. Benayoun has a small hamstring problem, Gibbs has a problem. We look decimated after the game. I don't know who will be available on Tuesday night. Maybe I will play with six strikers as we have to score goals!

on Liverpool's penalty…
I wasn't happy but then I have been told it was a penalty on television. I haven't seen it yet. [The follow-up save from Kuyt's penalty] was the save of the game from Wojciech.

on trying to catch Tottenham…
I always said the target this season was to be in the top four. Mathematically it is possible, but let's go step by step and see what happens. When you see that Liverpool - who I believe are a very, very good team - are seventh in the league, it shows how difficult it is in this league, how big the battle is for the top four and how each game can change very quickly.

Source: on 3 Mar 12

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