Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wenger's reaction to the Arsenal 1-0 Swansea match

on a first win of the Premier League season...
It was vital for us to win the game. I think we started quite well but slowly the nerves took over. We played with the handbrake on and were restrictive in the second half. It is not often that we pass the ball back to our goalkeeper when we are at halfway. You could see in the second half that we just wanted to get over the line and we didn't make a mistake. Swansea make it difficult for you because they keep the ball well and on the wings they are very quick. Overall they have the basics of a very good Premier League team but they just can’t score at the moment.

on Arsenal’s debutants…
Mertesacker was calm and composed - he just needs to adapt to the pace of the game. He looks very intelligent in his positioning.
Arteta played very well, especially in the first half. In the second half it was more difficult for him but you can see he will give us some technical security that this team needs and he wants to play like we play.

on the feeling in the dressing room…
We know that confidence goes quickly and comes back slowly. For us to be in the situation we were in, we were not used to that. We will come back. You look today with the fact we had no Gervinho, no Song, Diaby or Wilshere. We now have a decent squad overall when everybody is back and we have chance. First we just need to put a few wins together.

on whether nerves were a problem…
When you don't win you have a deep problem, that's for sure. The longer it lasts, the deeper the problem becomes. As soon as you win things are different.

on an element of luck about the goal…
There was an element of luck about our goal, of course.

on Andrey Arshavin’s performance…
Arshavin has a very good spirit. He had lost confidence but he has a good attitude in training and a good spirit. People think that he doesn’t care but that is not true at all. He cares very much and he had just lost confidence. You could see that he was himself again today.

on Yossi Benayoun’s debut…
He brought us something when he came on because he was mobile, he was dynamic and he did well.

on the strength of Arsenal’s squad…
Today, look at the bench I had and I still didn’t have Alex Song or Gervinho. We have a big squad.

on Chamakh having the captain’s armband for the final 10 minutes…
He could find anybody! I told him to keep it, what does it matter for the last 10 minutes. Thomas Vermaelen is the vice-captain but it was difficult to find him!

on a word for Brendan Rodgers…
His father passed away and that is very sad. The team fought for him today and that is the best they could do. It is very sad.

Source: on 10 Sep 11

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